The Phantom faced the league leading Plugs in the first game of Week #4 action. Shockingly, the Plugs came out sparking as they seemed to have the game in hand in the first 5 minutes, stunning the Phantom attack on virtually every possession. Penalties weren't too friendly to the home team either as the Phantom served 5 1/2 minutes to the Plugs 2 minutes.

HeadCase Sportz Players of the Game:
Phantom: T.J. Prokop
Plugs: Dan Ormiston

In the second game of the evening, the Knights rode their steeds hard and the Turf Monsters battled with the Knights for the first half as the Knights held a 7-6 lead. The second half was the story as the Turf Monsters didn't have any fight left in them as the visiting sword wielders outscored the home team 10-1 in the final 30 minutes. Parker Johnson led the way for the Knights and Will Perrier spearheaded the "D" for the little green creepers!

HeadCase Sportz Players of the Game:
Turf Monsters: Will Perrier
Knights: Parker Johnson

The bikini clad boys keep finding a way to win with different players in the line-up each week. Not knowing who is playing from week to week, the "Diggers faithfully get 15 players from their roster out to games and it seems to be enough to pull 250 the "W". The Chill had a full roster and a good compliment of players and talent but they just couldn't put enough past the Goal Diggers' Dougie White!

HeadCase Sportz Players of the Game:
Goal Diggers: Tory Bains
Chill: Phillip Busineus