Short Manned 'Diggers Outwork Plugs

The Victoria Field Lacrosse League resumed league play after a two week hiatus, allowing for players and officials the time off for Super Bowl and the family day long weekend and BCLA Youth Field Provincials.

The VFLL welcomed another familiar face in officiating to the artificial turf field, Andy Watson made his long awaited VFLL debut and partnered with Nico Beaudoin, did an awesome job given the temperatures :)

After the first 10 minutes of the game, you could see that each team was trying to force their passes in tight spaces and their hand-eye coordination was not quite up to where it was before the break. Ball possession was key as the Plugs carried a roster of 14 players while the Goal Diggers only spare was their 2nd goalie. With each team scoring 2 goals in the quarter, it was Brennan Cullen scoring with .05 seconds left in the frame to give the Goal Diggers a 3-2 intermission lead. Each team went back and forth in the 2nd quarter, each scoring 3 goals a piece and the Plugs narrowly tying the game at the end of the quarter but the officials hearing the game clock alarm, called the quarter. Where was the timekeeper? Coffee break? Pee break? Or just chatting and not paying attention. Who knows, but the match was close!

A shocking 3rd quarter was the deciding factor in this game. The 'Diggers scored two early before the Plugs could reply and then "Wham!, what looked like a bikini to the face, the GD's offence memorized the Plugs defence and they buried 4 straight before the Plugs could remove the bikini tops and reply with a goal of their own. Each team neglected the defences and poured everything they had at the net, but each team would only score 4 each and the Plugs weren't able to mount the comeback they needed.

HeadCase Sportz Players of the Game:
Plugs: James Spence
Goal Diggers: Brennan Cullen

We hate to keep stating the obvious and most teams know it when they arrive at the field. Teams in the Victoria Field Lacrosse League can and are, their own worst enemies! Take the Phantoms for instance. They may not have a superstar on their roster but they play like a unit and work extremely well together. That is until they don't.

The Phantoms' faceoff percentage last night had them winning 70% of the draws. What they didn't always win was the loose ball battles after the draw. They cleared the ball well from their defensive end, but were clearly not where the Knights were with their speed or passing. The Knights moved the ball quickly and moved their feet off ball, constantly cutting, getting numerous opportunities and scoring almost at will.

The Phantom for the first 3 quarters seemed hesitant, unconfident and resistant to move the ball... causing turnover after turnover when they got close to goal or a good opportunity. Six on six, the teams seemed evenly matched but when the Knights got a fast break, it was trouble for the Phantom. Hoping the weather turns better and all teams players attend so teams aren't so short-handed.

HeadCase Sportz Players of the Game:
Phantom: Seth Champion
Knights: Parker Johnson